Local Classes
are offered at the following locations:
Phoenix and Tempe, Arizona, USA
Costa Del Sol and Granada, Spain (see "EVENTS" page)
Awakening to Unity
The purpose of the courses offered is not only to introduce the student to the basics of astrology, but to awaken students to the unity within themselves, with all of humanity, and all of life. The studies aim to support each student in their own awakening process, so that in time they may help others do the same.
Through continuing studies, the student goes through a process of in-depth learning to understand esoteric astrology and critical and creative thinking.
Course Descriptions
Level 1 Fundamentals In Astrology
This is an introduction to classical astrology. Throughout the courses, we work on natal charts to learn the language of astrology, the energy it represents, and the rules of interpretation.
Level 2 Advanced Astrology
This is a continuation of fundamental astrology encompassing the study of our evolution, outer development, and the personality. Here, we begin a deeper analysis of the chart as we cover the study of the outer planets and their effects on us. The process of personal development is studied using transits and progressives.
Level 3 Esoteric Astrology
This is the study of inner development and the Soul. We will work on chart adjustment and the seven rays, as well as mundane and initiation astrology.
Course Objective
To develop the necessary skills for analyzing the complexity of a horoscope and for understanding astrology both exoterically and esoterically. To develop an overall understanding of the meaning and purpose of life.
The process gives a clearer understanding of one's role in the world as a whole, and how challenges can be transformed into opportunities.
To take increasing responsibility for oneself and others.
Course Requirements
Students will start with Level 1 and later advance to Levels 2 and 3. It will be possible for some advanced students to skip Level 1 and begin the study course at Level 2 or 3.
A questionnaire is required. This is only a parameter for assisting the student. Access to a computer with internet access is also necessary.
Method of Study
The student-teacher relationship forms the basis for all educational processes, therefore focus on each individual student is highlighted.
Each level is taught in English, and completed through independent and distance learning. Students progress at their own pace, completing reading assignments, writing papers, and research. The courses have a variety of different study materials/objectives such as text pages and tutorials. Reading assignments are available in PDF files. Correspondance regarding the quizzes and exams will be through password-protected folders.
Assignments and other information for each course are posted online. Term papers are required for each course covering the selected area of study.
For course registration, an email should be sent to: [email protected] Upon receipt of the tentative student's registration email, a questionnaire will then be sent by return mail.
What kind of learner are you?
People learn differently and therefore you should find out what kind of learner you are.
An auditory learner learns by listening. If you are such a learner, it is important for you to ask questions and discuss the assignments. If you study alone, you can still improve your learning by reading out loud and getting in touch with the instructor.
A visual learner learns by reading. If you are such a learner, a quiet place for studying is essential for focusing and concentrating on the study materials.
A kinesthetic learner learns by doing. If you are such a learner, you must find a creative way for studying, for example, highlighting the text, taking notes and so on.
Learning Style
High quality learning can take place without going to a traditional classroom. Distance learning requires strength and self-motivation to get the work done, but this is solved through your interest in the work. Be able to communicate through writing. Critical thinking is a part of the learning process, so think ideas through before responding to subjects.
Duration of Study
Each level has a time frame of 12 months, but can be completed in less time.
Course Results
Results are based on a written understanding and interpretation of horoscopes. A final exam is taken at the end of each level.
All three levels make up an in-depth study of astrology. The teaching is concentrated and becomes intuitive as we advance. The focus is intensified by the effort you put into learning the material.
Required courses in connection with all levels:
The Problems of Humanity
Definitions: Exoteric and Esoteric
Exoteric Astrology
Exoteric astrology is also called classical astrology. It is the astrology that corresponds to the physical world. This type of astrology gives us a picture of a person’s background, life circumstances and conditions, available resources, and the way in which these resources can be utilized on the physical plane.
Esoteric Astrology
This form of astrology asks the question, “What is the purpose of life?” It is this branch of astrology that is based on a person’s inner spiritual development - an understanding of oneself in relation to one's inner and outer worlds. This kind of astrology can therefore either give us a picture of where a person is to be found in his or her spiritual development, or what area of concentration is needed in order to improve and increase the individual's understanding. Our inner development runs parallel to our physical development. As we reap our experiences, our mind and consciousness expand. This expansion enables us to focus on our life. Through focusing, we find the right path. We are here on earth to develop a sensitive consciousness - more specifically, a consciousness into which the experience of feeling is integrated. When that form of consciousness has reached a certain stage in our development, it will be possible to register what really occurs in life, using that sensitive consciousness or mind.